By mid to late October the winter weather is fading and turning in our favour. Daylight saving is underway, the water is warming up and the tea tree is beginning to blossom. All of course are tell-tale signs that the snapper are about to go on the bite.
They say sunset and sunrise are best bite times for snapper and while this is true there were and will continue to be some great snapper also caught throughout the day. So yes, you can avoid the 3:00am start and still catch good snapper. There will also be plenty of pinkies around to keep you on the go. If you are going to skip the sunrise session for the sake of extra shut eye then at least aim for a change of tide to increase your chances.
Don’t think you need a monster boat with a monster engine either as there are always great catches reported every season in the shallows anywhere between the pier and Black Rock.
If the hit and miss of snapper is not your thing then just be sure to get a line over the side and hold on. The variety of fish in our area is incredible and it is not uncommon to land 3 or more species in the one session using the same bait and gear. It is just as exciting to see the smallest of pinkies or flathead light up a smile on a young child or first timer than it is to land an ‘Insta’ worthy snapper or gummy.
Most of the fisherman on the island are more than happy to offer advice or assistance or even a spot on their boat so don’t be afraid to ask, although I doubt they will sit you right on top of their favourite mark. Haha.
If you do happen to bring a keeper back to the island please take time to record your catch on our brag board (kindly donated and sponsored by Mordialloc Cellar Door) outside the pedestrian entry to the slipway for all to see and make sure you send some pictures into the Club.
The Fishing Committee is working towards finalising some dates for our family friendly fishing days. These will be catch and cook days with a BBQ and presentations back on the island so stay tuned and make sure you get involved.

When the snapper are running it's every angler for himself at MMYC.