
Update: Recreational boating and fishing during lockdown

Published Mon 31 May 2021


Further to the advice we received from the BIAV and from Australian Sailing last week, the recreational boating lockdown permission is now on the Victorian Govt Website.

Here is an extract:

Can I participate in recreational activities like fishing and boating?

Recreational fishing and boating are permitted as long as it doesn't require use of a facility (the opening of a closed jetty or pier) and within 5km of your home for up to 2 hours once per day, and with members of your household or 1 other person.

For full details click here.

The club facilities however remain closed. (I suggest use of the toilets is permitted.)

Note the permission is only for two hours and within 5 km of your home.

From comments in today’s government press conferences, it seems possible that the lockdown may be extended beyond seven days.





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